What Is a Bed & Breakfast Anyway?
I first encountered the term "Bed & Breakfast" while exploring the English
countryside by motorcycle back in '65. Yes, I know, that was a long time ago. There
were still 240 pence to the pound, in those days. "Mods" and "Rockers" were the two
(just two!) competing styles of popular youth culture. And in some cities--like Bristol,
for example--you could still find some bombed out buildings left over from the war
without too much trouble. In fact, it was World War II that gave birth to the "Bed &
Breakfast" phenomenon as we know it today.
With nightly bombing, and facing the threat of an imminent Nazi invasion, the
Brits had to focus all of their resources into a massive defense effort. In the end, the only
invasion of the British Isles was by soldiers from the U.S., Canada, and other allied
countries as they gathered in England to mount the counter-attack that would put an end
to the Nazi peril. But that invasion and the social and economic upheaval that
accompanied it left Old Blighty changed forever. Many bereaved widows and mothers in
the towns and in the countryside found themselves alone in houses that once reverberated with
the sounds of family life. 'There's a good number of travelers about,' they might
have mused in their loneliness as they struggled to make ends meet through the lean years
following the war, 'so, why not hang out a sign and offer them a decent bed for the night
and a spot of tea for the morning?'
The rest, as they say, is history.
The choice of the term "Bed & Breakfast" must have seemed obvious to the first
of this new class of entrepreneurs as they dipped their brushes in paint. Soon many
small signs, often attractively decorated, began to spring up throughout Britain--on
fences, in yards, and on doors. But it was the clientele that really made the venture a
success, for travelers found that not only was this new accommodation service reasonably
priced but also provided a more personalized and domestic style of comfort. Most
important of all, it offered an opportunity to meet local residents of a community in their
own homes. As prosperity returned and painful memories of the war slowly faded into the past,
a new breed of tourist, eager to experience the world and its wonderfully diverse people,
came to appreciate the value of the "Bed & Breakfast" establishments more and more.
Many returning servicemen and women came back to North America with an
increased awareness of the British B&B. As well, many Brits themselves emigrated to
North America after the war. It was not surprising, therefore, when some homes on this
side of the pond evolved into B&Bs in the British style.
Tourism boomed beyond all expectations in the late in the twentieth century as the
superpower stand-off that had sucked up so many dollars in the decades after WWII
crumbled into dust along with the Berlin Wall. Soon the industry of travel for pleasure
surpassed even that of providing armaments and weapons to those unhappy folks whose idea of fun is to blow each
other to bits. This development did not go un-noticed by ever-vigilant manipulators of
capital who never fail to recognize an opportunity in peace or war. Accordingly, tourism
development began to rival military projects as a target for massive investment. This
new trend manifested itself in casinos, cruise ships, and lots of new hotels in all the
places where tourists like to congregate, from the steamy Caribbean to the Inside Passage
to Alaska.
But every cycle has its ups and downs and the travel/tourism boom is no exception. Some of the more popular destinations were beginning to find themselves overbuilt with the owners of hotels staring at empty white spaces in their guest registers.
As these big business types began to look around to see where in the Sam Hill their
clientele was hiding they began to notice the Mom & Pop B&Bs were still doing OK.
Some tried to imitate the personalized character of the B&B in their service style (a flattering
gesture!) and the commercial B&B hotel was born. Others lobbied politicians and
government regulators to pressure their competitors--the real B&Bs--with more
regulations, restrictions, and higher taxes (a low-down but predictable strategy).
A textbook example of this phenomenon is especially evident in Cuba, of all
places. There, in the throes of the deprivation produced by the U.S. trade embargo, the
Castro regime was desperate to promote its tourist industry and made deals with a number
of mostly European-based hotel interests to invest in development schemes that saw
tourism zones set up in designated areas. The idea was to combine the best (or rather,
worst) of both worlds: from the capitalist point-of-view, keep the tourist herd in a
controlled area, a captive audience at the mercy of their corporate hosts; from the
communist/totalitarian point-of-view, keep the corrupt foreigners apart from the general
population lest they form personal relationships with people and pervert them
with politically incorrect ideas--but still take their money!
A cunning plan, worthy of Machiavelli, but many of the common folk of Cuba
were apparently not as imbued with communist values as Cuban government planners
may have wished, and the good old Mom & Pop B&B turned out to be a
thorn-in-the-side for both members of this un-holy alliance. Just walk down any street in
Cuba and you'll see what I mean.(1) "Hey, looking for a good place to stay tonight? Follow
me." And if you accept such an invitation, chances are you will be taken to a very nice home
and offered decent food and clean and comfortable accommodation therein--and all for a
very reasonable price. Most rewarding of all, in thwarting the best efforts of the worst
kind (i.e., crude capitalists, cruel demagogues, and the identical species of servile agents
that aid them both) you'll meet some of the finest people you could hope to find
Of course the Cuban government hasn't let this disobedience to authority go un-punished. Violators are routinely slapped with steep fines. Still, the B&Bs of Cuba
persist--and if they can do so there, they can do so anywhere.
Ironic, isn't it, that these diametrically opposed groups, utterly consumed with
self-interest, should both be allied against the Mom & Pop B&B--a place where people from all
walks of life can meet and talk while sharing the universal values of the comforts and security of
home--and view it as some kind of threat? Only in Cuba you say? Don't be too sure!
1. U.S. citizens, you are not allowed to try this due to certain restrictions placed on
your freedoms--and I'm so sorry! As consolation I invite you to visit my Cuban website at... ¡Saludos desde Cuba!
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